Last places for undergraduate or graduate students from Argentina (living 100km away from Buenos Aires). Check Registry.

HPCCamp - ECAR 2017

From 18/9/2017 to 29/9/2017 in Buenos Aires city, Argentina. All day courses and activities.

The need for computing resources is still growing. The size and complexity of computational infrastructures pose a significant threat to day-to-day scientific work.

The field of computational sciences is an interdisciplinary area in which scientists or practitioners have to contribute with their own expertise to obtain innovative results. There is no recipe for success in this field, but in order to achieve good results, three types of actors have to work closely together:

This HPC Camp has been organized to fulfill two main objectives:

With the combination of the challenge and proposed intensive training, this school will become a regional reference for the integration of different HPC actors, helping to integrate the community.


Bauen is a traditional hotel in Buenos Aires city. The installations and services provided in conjuction with a special discount (less than 50% of published price) for our event, this makes an excellent option. There are single, double or triple rooms. If you are student and don't have problems sharing the room, this is an opportunity you can't miss.
To access this discount, you have to contact event organization. If you want to share the room with other students from the event (getting much better prices), tell us too. We have a number of places temporally secured, but confirming the booking will ensure them.


This school is co-organized by:

